I was on my way to Heath Low Level the other day when I noticed this tape lying in the gutter. It looked in pretty good nick, no rain for a while, so it went in the pocket. I didn't play it for a couple of days, feared some Ring shit might go down.
Eventually I popped it in the walkman. 90 minutes later (well 93-94, does anyone know why they always pop a few extra minutes of tape in?) I was still alive.
The tape was majestic.
Filled with jump edits, the Pet Shop Boys, snatches of foreign DJ patter, George Michael, a poorly recorded conversation between a young girl and a man in a Balkan language (hoping it's not a gypsy curse or evidence of war crime), Tina Turner, swathes of radio static and towards the end, this absolute gem.
mp3 ---> Alphaville - Forever Young (via box.net)
(If anyone wants a copy of the tape give us shout below).