I moved house recently, hence the tumbleweed rolling around this blog. I had to go back to the old place to clean it up. Fat lot of good it did, the deposit came back £50 short.
Anyway my futile scrubbing was soundtracked by BBC Radio 1 blasting out the Sharp GF-6000. Been a long time since I ventured into the daytime schedule and I was flummoxed by something.
Why did most of the music, most of the American pop music sound like late 90s trance? My memory spat out an old cover of MUZIK magazine with a picture of Eminem above the headline "Hip-Hop Discovers Ecstasy" or something like that. Must have been 2001. Surely it didn't take ten years for it to seep into pop over there?
I stewed for a while then forgot about it. Then when I returned from holiday I saw this over on The Guardian. Looks like my fear from a few years ago is coming true; the snake is eating itself.