One of the albums I reviewed for June's edition was Sons & Daughters' Mirror Mirror...
"Had to laugh. They've stripped back their sound by recording to 16-track. Only 16 huh? Anyway this is a stonking album; moody, all-enveloping and black as the night. Any fears that producer Keith McIvor of Optimo infamy would rip their sound to pieces are soon allayed as the majority of songs (The Beach, Bee Song) swim in oceans of space. The occasional forays of synths add without advertising their presence (The Model). He’s simply added some post-punk angularity. It works."
Keith McIvor is JD Twitch and a few weeks back his remix of Silver Spell crept out. Darker, more mechanistic and yes twitchier than the original, it makes me wonder if McIvor was more of a Hannett or a Spector at the desk just how much better this already good album could have been.
I look forward to the possibility of a remix album of Mirror Mirror much more than listening to their label mates' (they're both on Domino) Mega Mega Remix ever again.