25 Jun 2013

Gatsby, Diet Vimto & A Minor Traffic Accident

Man, it's been a long and eventful day.

I was due down in Neyland in Pembrokeshire this morning. I caught the train to lovely Neath and got picked up for a lift the rest of the way there.

Unfortunately, we didn't make it the rest of the way, as we were duly shunted into the back of on the A477. Thankfully no one was hurt but it does add an extra bit of stress to the day. The car could not continue but I did and delivered some training, which I hadn't done before, so it was always going to a stressful day anyway.

I was kindly dropped off at Pembroke Dock station afterwards but it took a few chapters of The Great Gatsby, two cans of Diet Vimto and the beautiful, shimmering and summery Isolated by Sau Poler to truly calm the fudge down. As XLR8R correctly state, if you like a bit of Gold Panda or Four Tet, then you'll dig this...

MP3 ---> Isolated by Sau Poler [Hot link from XLR8R]