29 Mar 2020

Es Buzz

As promised here's the second of my reviews for Buzz Magazine this month (after yesterday's Maribou State post) and it's one of my fave albums of the year so far.

Less of Everything (Upset The Rhythm)

Brutal and direct, Es’s debut album is a gothy synth-punk triumph. It ticks every box. Maria Cecilia Tedemalm’s vocals are stark and detached like Kim Gordon’s, spouting absurdist lyrics that still kick. Katy Cotterell’s bass explodes like shrapnel, forcing the melody under your skin. Flora Watters’ synth is set to ice blast, covering the album with a gothic sheen. Tamsin M. Leach’s drums are relentless. Less of Everything is short, sharp, and stripped, minimalist yet raging. It’s good. Es are good.

Less of Everything by Es comes out on Friday 3rd April 2020. They are/were due to play Cardiff Psych & Noise Fest 2020 on Friday 22nd May, so we'll see.

Related post: Urgh!