10 Feb 2024

Ceefax 4 Life

2nd February 2009. That's when I started this blog. 15 years. Fuck me.

A birth, a marriage, a couple of deaths. Numerous house moves only to end up back in Llantwit. Fuck me.

2009 was too late to start a blog. I read they may be back though. Maybe it's because everything is falling apart online, so you might as well do one. Nothing lasts forever on the internet, platforms crumble, content is archived, redirects break. 

Kinda amazed that Blogger is still going TBH, surely Google isn't making anything off of this shite? Figured that it go shortly after they rejigged the CMS in 2020. One last roll, then goodbye, as is the way.

I don't know.

I do know, I'll never get these sweet 2016-2018 numbers again.

All time visits for the last 15 years. There's a huge spike in Jan 2018.

But this ain't about numbers. It's all about me. And as I sit here cringing while listening to the podcast I did in that first post back in Feb 2009, maybe Google should just nuke it. Nuke it to fuck. 

Until it does, I'll still be here.

Posting shite to 10-15 people/bots at a time. 

Ceefax 4 Life.