25 Feb 2012

Hyper Fan @ Hyper Japan

I went to Hyper Japan yesterday and had a great time - even the Megabus was OK.

It would have been worth it just for the tasters at the Sushi Awards 2012, and while the cooking demonstrations, the cosplay casualties and my first proper taste of manga (I'm reading Death Note) all added to the enjoyment of the day, the highlight was Natsuko Aso.

Well Natsuko Aso's super fan. He knew all the moves, he had the official towel, he had a different coloured glowstick for each song and he didn't give two hoots what anyone thought. I wish I loved something as much as this guy.

I can now see why some people totally bum J-pop, the sugar-rush, the sexless sugar-rush of it all but I wouldn't pay the £25 one stall holder was charging for an album... if only he had the official towels for sale.