25 Feb 2012


Talking of Hyper Japan, while we were killing time before the bus back, we went for a McDonald's in Victoria Station... classy.

Their latest brand revamp is commendable, certainly regards the approach to their restaurants' servicescape; greens and browns, deep seats and flowers on tables.

Aside from the visuals, music can play a vital part in the servicescape. I won't bang on too much about this as it was the subject of my dissertation but I was surprised to hear bands like Yeasayer and Metronomy in McDonald's. Maybe I shouldn't have been, seeing that their latest adverts are pushing coffee - that malleable brown liquid that can mean coolness, sophistication and romance, depending on the adverts you've seen growing up.

Anyway this is a convoluted way of me linking to a review of the NME Awards Tour 2012 I did for theSprout, which features Metronomy, Azealia Banks, Two Door Cinema Club and Tribes. If you can't be bothered reading it then: Great, Great, OK, Shit.