18 Mar 2014

Avey Tare's Slasher Flicks

Got Enter The Slasher House by Avey Tare's Slasher Flicks to review for next month's Buzz.

"The one out of Animal Collective who isn't Panda Bear has a new side-project with Angel Deradoorian (Dirty Projectors) and Jeremy Hyman (Dan Deacon) and all three audibly bring elements from their respective bands to this slow-burner of an album. On the first few listens the horror movie shtick is apt but eventually the noise and grating spectres drift away unveiling a beating weirdo pop heart akin to Ariel Pink. Lead single Little Fang and Duplex Trip alone are worth the ticket."

The album is out on Domino on April 7th and I gave it four stars.