5 Aug 2014

The Slow & Inevitable Death Of This Blog

So two months of radio silence. Heck of contrast with the avalanche that was March.

Lord knows I've posted apologies many times after a few weeks/months off, (there's even a label for it) but this does feel like the beginning of the end for this blog.

As I posted last year, mp3 blogs are winding up, as are blogs in general in favour of curation.

Technology and lifestyle changes have also affected my relationship with new music (or music I haven't heard), which impacts on what I have to write about here.

I'm still living just around the corner from work, but gone are the days where I could hide in the corner with some headphones on. I've now got to talk to people and be more approachable whether on the phone or in person. This means I tend to have the radio on quietly, usually BBC Radio 6 Music but I've even gone back to daytime Radio 1 for the first-time since I was 15, in a vain hope to grasp hold of some yoof culture – I mean who the hell is Ariana Grande and why should I care?

Also, I'm using my laptop less and less in favour of my phone and I just don't seem to download anything or even go on trawls any more. That's not to say I'm listening to nothing now, just that I seem to be investigating my diminished CD collection (I Music Magpied a ton of stuff about three years ago), checking the Facebook updates from FACT and Crack, as well as the mixes that I taped off the radio from 2001-2003.

Jacques Lu Cont's stunning remix of electroclash classic Silver Screen Shower Scene by Felix Da Housecat came from one of these tapes (filler between DJ Shadow's and The Beta Band's Breezeblock mixes from August 2002) and made me come back and fingerfart what you've just read.

And y'know if I (re)find more, I'll be back but the way life is going I'm not sure how often that'll be.