16 Nov 2016

Richard D. James Is 20

This month is the 20th anniversary of Aphex Twin's iconic release Richard D. James Album. Thump has a rather flowery article on why it matters now, just as much as it did then. It goes without saying that it is one of my favourite albums of all time.

So why am I writing about it now rather than on the anniversary of its day of release - 4th November 1996? Well I was late to RDJ, so I think it's fitting that I'm late in my tribute.

I came across RDJ in sixth form in 2001. And I can still remember the first time I played it in my blood red room in Grangetown. It sticks in my mind just as watching Firestarter on Top Of The Pops does. It bordered on an awakening.

I rewound 4, the opening track of RDJ, several times before listening to the rest of the album. I never rewind on a first listen. I always try and take an album as a whole piece of work. Yet with RDJ and 4, I was completely blown out of the water. I was deep into my drum and bass phase at the time and hearing Aphex Twin tear the genre apart and put it back together again was mind-blowing.

The rest of the album didn't disappoint either. In fact it's a classic. So here's a belated Penblwydd Hapus to the Richard D. James Album.

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