11 Apr 2020

qu 1

Aphex Twin resurfaced again this month. There were six new uploads to the user18081971 SoundCloud account, which has been confirmed as that of Richard D. James. But there was also mourning.

James' father, Derek, passed away recently, as shared in user18081971's bio. It wasn't related to COVID-19, which made the accompanying comments relating to house arrests and a police state all the more puzzling. Yet grief affects people in many ways. The comments have since been deleted.

For an artist that so often shuns the limelight, his family has cropped up throughout his output. There are the vocal snippets of his parents ("You've got so many machines, Richard.", "Richard? Yep", Lornaderek) and the immensely sad (if true) reason behind the Girl/Boy EP cover.

The EP is purportedly the gravestone of his brother, also called Richard and stillborn three years before him. He may even be the Twin in Aphex Twin.

Yet as with everything to do with Richard D. James, it can be hard to figure out what is true and what is not. Sadly, however, it does appear that his father's passing happened.

As Resident Advisor reports, the mp3 file of qu 1, one of the six new uploads, includes a note that says "See you on the other side, dad." Fans have since gathered in the comments of qu 1 to express their condolences.

One for fans of SAW2 and as I write this you can still download the mp3.

Thanks to RA and FACT.

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