27 Jan 2025

9 in 1 (45)

Explorer 45 satellite - NASA

Wrapped in plastic.

Girl Ray - Give Me Your Love (Version Française - Edit)

Came across this on the Rough Trade Shops Counter Culture 2022 comp, which I bought for £3 in the Bristol branch of that shop. One of the few CDs in there like. I can't be dropping £40 on a record, mate. Anyway, I don't know much about Girl Ray but Give Me Your Love has a nice Hot Chip feel to it.

Jeff Parker - Super Rich Kids

Jeff Parker got a mention in the new newsletter from NTS DJ Macca, whose One Glove show on Saturday mornings is always a good listen like. His newsletter is pretty good too. As is this sparse instrumental cover of the Frank Ocean banger. Think I read somewhere that Jeff Parker is in Tortoise.

Modern English - Gathering Dust

Scratchy driving thriving post-punk from 1981. My bread and butter.

Antipop Consortium - Bubblz

Future-facing hip-hop from 2002. I used to have Arrhythmia, the album this is off, but I've not a clue what happened to it. Great story, Sam.

Crystal Castles - Not In Love ft. Robert Smith of The Cure

Yeah, I know it's not on to post Crystal Castles in 2025. But it does bang. 36m views on YouTube too. So I'm not the only one.

Rustie - Raptor

I used to have this as my wake-up alarm when it came out in 2014. I can only now listen to it again.

Un-cut - Midnight

Liquid D'n'B at its most pop-focused, but what a roller.

Fred Everything and Stereo MCs - Soul Love (Clive From Accounts Remix)

Bit like The Streets and I'm up for a UKG revival this summer. Not to be confused with Fred Again or Colin from Accounts.

Capone - Music Love Song

Incredible, and I mean incredible cosmic disco from 1979 with this mad distorted guitar. Straight on my best things I heard this year list.

Original image: NASA, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons