I'm not in a good place. No, not Llantwit Major, though it is less charming in winter when there's a v little to do. Mentally, I'm not in a good place. V low, v tired, v done with the world right now.
Life ain't great, though I'm not in trouble, which makes me feel worse. There are many, many people out there having it worse, what have I really got to complain about?
When in doubt, have a bath and listen to something. Today it was episode 69 (nice) of Sideways, Memento Mori.
Blurb: "The passing of time brings inevitable change - corrosion, disintegration and, eventually, disappearance. While the certainty of this process may seem like cause for despair, Matthew Syed explores the beauty that can be found in the process of decay."
Now there's something to lift the spirits.
It features stuff on abandoned buildings in Detroit but mostly it's on William Basinski and The Disintegration Loops. The Disintegration Loops is one of those albums I've always meant to get around to but never do.
Until today.
Now is the time, things have aligned.
Wish me luck.
Related post: Bathtime With Yamaneko