21 May 2021

Major News

I'm going back to where it all began.

I started CeefaxofLife in February 2009 out of pure boredom while living in Llantwit Major. Working part-time and trying to fill the time, this blog was a way to keep busy and keep my audio editing skills up, while I figured out what the hell I was doing.

And it's to Llantwit Major that I'm moving to today, with a wife, child, dog, car, and... career? Well, a full-time job anyway. A lot changes in 12 years. A lot stays the same.

You may have noticed a drop in posts recently, and that's to do with packing, panicking and stress that goes with a house move. That won't be rectified when we get through the door. We're not gonna have internet for a while, plus there's lots of DIY to do and footpaths to explore.

So I'm thinking it might be an apt time to wrap this up, bring it full circle, say goodbye to CeefaxofLife. Or I might get bored again and need an out. It's not like I'm planning to stop listening to music, far from it. I mean I'll have space to get the decks out again.

Anyway, we'll see. But for now, it'll be a little quiet here. Just like Llantwit Major.